CARE Project

CARE Project at Haytown offers knowledge, social support, and community to parents of newborns to 12 month old infants.

Becoming a parent is one of life’s major transitions. Regardless of the age or stage of your children, we know parents benefit from having a support network. CARE Project is a weekly group meeting for mothers run by a facilitator to help meet those needs.

As unique as our experiences are, no one parents in a silo.


C.A.R.E. is…


A non-judgmental, caring space to share, connect, seek advice, and learn.

☺ No question or emotion are off-limits. This is a judgement-free zone.

☺ All baby care may be done in the meeting room, including nursing, bottle feeding, pumping, and diapering. This is a good opportunity to practice baby care in public..

☺ Sometimes we need a moment. The Quiet Room is available should a mother desire time away from the meeting room for any reason. You may opt to feed or change your baby in the Quiet Room.

☺ CARE has a network of providers, counselors, and like experts should families need additional support.


A place for caregivers to meet and connect.

☺ Come as you are. You are sleep deprived, in sweats, and without a shower. That’s okay! We have been there. We are figuring this out together.

☺ Babies cry. No one minds if your baby cries during some or all of the sessions. Sometimes parents cry too and that’s just fine.

☺ Shared experiences build lasting relationships. The aim of CARE is to foster friendships that carry through the years.

☺ CARE members are included in community events like Parent’s Nights Out, Speaker Series, etc.


Let’s validate the experiences, challeges, and emotions mothers face. We value the uniqueness of individual experiences and backgrounds.

☺ You are a whole being. We see and honor the person you are with, and separate from, your child.

☺ You may share to the extent that you are comfortable. It’s okay to observe more than speak.

☺ Constancy builds trust and fosters relationships. Everyone signs a good faith pledge of confidentiality. Discussions are private and may be had without repercussion or judgment.


Share evidence-based information in an unbiased manner empowering caregivers to make informed decisions that are right for their families.

☺ Facilitators provide practical, evidence-based information to help caregivers through the demanding months of infancy.

☺ We offer groups specifically for first time and second time+primary caregivers.

☺ Each session has a main topic that pertains to the age of the infants in your particular group. Much like motherhood, plans change and we go with the flow. Throughout your term, we regularly check in to see if there are topics of interest specific to your group.